Best Weight Loss Diet Review - The Atkins Diet Assessment

Some foods help burn fat and hence promote weight loss. However as with anything else moderation is the key. For example cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar consumed in excess can damage the upper gastrointestinal tract and the stomach lining. Virgin coconut oil is a saturated fat and there is some controversy surrounding its benefits. However the latest research confirmed the benefits of this oil.

The article goes on to explain why milk is such a help. I'm no expert, but I do know that fat free milk does not count against you and helps when one is hungry between feedings. When one is eating five or six times a day, it's hard to call them meals. I am a huge advocate of chocolate milk and have not had great difficulty switching to one percent.

Most of the sugar substitutes on the market are artificial man-made chemical sweeteners. Does that even sound like something you want to eat on a regular bases and fill your body with? Most of the products like High Fructose Corn Syrup (which they are now changing the name to Corn Syrup), Aspartame, and Sucralose are surrounded in controversy and are believed to cause long-term damage to your body and encourage weight gain. Do you really want to continue being a guinea pig and find out if it is safe or not?

Second, eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar is actually keeping us fat. Sugar increases the production of insulin. The insulin surge tells our body to start storing fat. And then it becomes like a Yo-yo. When our insulin drops we feel tired and more hungry, so we eat more and often make unhealthy choices to satisfy our cravings. I know several people that quit drinking Coke and lost 5 pounds. And while, it's important to eliminate processed sugar from your diet, any healthy diet plan would also tell you to eliminate artificial sweeteners as well. They more info are bad for the body. You only have to Google the artificial sweeteners to find studies about the ill effects of them.

Here is a weight loss tip you may have never thought of. When baking, do not be afraid to substitute fats, butters and oils with pureed substitutes. This allows you to retain that moisture level in the baked goods without sacrificing flavor. You can use applesauce or pureed pears in white cakes and pureed prunes or pureed sweet potatoes in chocolate cakes. Substitution can be tricky but the general rule of thumb is to cut the oil or butter in half and reduce the sugar by one quarter of what is called for in the recipe. You can then substitute one quarter of a cup of fruit puree.

For variety use different kinds of fruit. Berry combinations and tropical fruit combinations are particularly flavorful. With berry combinations I like to add a little orange juice stevia for weight loss added flavor and eliminate the yogurt.

And, believe me, your water will taste sweet with this stuff added to it. I just add 2 packets of Stevia for every16 ounces of water I drink. I was able to kick Coke and Mountain Dew to the kick using Stevia.

I don't drink Soda anymore. If I want a soda I drink Zevia which a soda made from Stevia. It tastes great. I still drink these in limited quantity though, as well, and have water as my main drink. (I flavor my water with lemon and sometimes a packet of Xylitol to make a nice "lemonade" drink). All in all, any healthy weight loss program will tell you to drink plenty of water and to eliminate processed sugar from your diet.

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